Cours du 29 novembre – American series – Stranger Things

What is it ?
What genre of series is it?
How old is the cast/main characters?
How many seasons have been released so far?


VIDEO – Let’s go with the cast of « Stranger Things »

1. Nature of document ?  -an episode ?    -a « behind-the-scenes » video?     – a news report?
2. So, who are we going to see in this video?

3. What event is going to happen?
4. What information did you get about the new season?


READING – Let’s find out more about Season 5 !

You are a fan of Stranger Things and you want to know more about Season 5. What information do you REALLY want to know ?



–> In teams of 2 students, study one document and complete the worksheet:

1.Click on your document

Anatole / Axel – Document 1                            Bachir / Haroun – Document 4                                 Jade / Zoé J – Document 3
Gonzague / Anis – Document 3                        Jeanne / Chayma – Document 1                                Lou / Margot – Document 1
Côme / Geovani – Document 2                         Jeanne R / Cosima – Document 4                             Zoé / Zélie – Document 2
                                                                                Zélie / Aélis   – Document 2
                                                                                Augustin /Pierre – Document 3

2.Complete the activity corresponding to your document in this worksheet: –>  students’worksheet 1


3. Then, interact with an other team.

4.Present your work to the class. / recap

5. Grammar ! -> Degrees of certainty


Homework : Apprendre leçon et faire les deux exercices.




Stranger Things first few lines

Stranger things first lines

What do we learn about the opening scene of episode 1?
Make some hypotheses about the atmosphere.


Stranger Things : New teaser

What do we learn in this teaser?
How many sentences do you see ?
What can you deduce ?   Each line is actually the title of each…


In teams of 2, choose one episode and imagine what it might happen.

–> Fais ce travail : students worksheet 2

Help! Aide-toi de ce document si besoin –> document – episode titles

tache intermédiaire – stranger things

